Monday, 7 March 2011

Pulpit Trip

What my imagination saw:
I was sitting in Church on Sunday, when a girl who had been talking at the pulpit, tripped on her way down the stairs in front of the whole congregation. She went flying, narrowly missing the band equipment but landing head first on the organ!  A huge BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRPPPPP! filled the church as the pipes burst into life. The noise was so horrific that it frightened the life out of Frank, an elderly gentleman who had dozed off at the back, making him jump up in fright waving his arms around. He quickly tried to cover up his napping by shouting ‘hallelujah!’ over the top (A classic move in such circumstances). Unfortunately his flailing arm shot a pen directly across the room, narrowly avoiding Celia’s perm and landing into the hands of a surprised toddler, who immediately started drawing joyfully on the legs of Becca, the student in front. The girl screamed, wondering what on earth was attacking her from behind and turned round. Not seeing the child sat on the floor, she looked to Roger who was sat behind her. He grinned at her broadly, mistaking her look of shock for one of a new comer who needs to be welcomed. Naturally misinterpreting this, she slapped him and stormed out. Roger was speechless. Finally, attention was drawn back to the poor girl still sprawled on the organ and order was slowly resumed.  A Sunday to remember!

What actually happened?
 Girl tripped slightly coming out of the pulpit but recovered quickly and descended the stairs gracefully.

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